
Susan Trangmar is a visual artist who has been practising and exhibiting since the early 1980's. Originally trained as a sculptor at Saint Martins School of Art, her work employs photography, projection, video and sound in site specific time based and environmental installations.
The artworks arise from specific landscape, architectural and social contexts and explore differing cultural productions  and representations of space and place. Whilst a consistent focus of the work is on landscape and place (place as a state of mind), she also works with the genres of portraiture and so called ‘still life'.
A long standing interest in subjective experiences of recognition and recollection through representations of temporality and experiences of duration are explored through lens based media and sound technology. The construction of fields of vision and opticality, projection, framing and the literal and metaphorical presence of the screen are key aspects of the works produced, together with the philosophical and material significance of light.
Susan Trangmar lives and works in London.

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Susan Trangmar
Print Based Photographic Installations  Projected Slide Installations  Time Based Projected Installations  Light Based Installations  Projection Installation with Mixed Media  Video Installations
Tattoo   Untitled Landscapes   Suspended States  Double Duration  Transitional Spaces  A Forest of Signs 
Between Here and There  Lines of Flight  Re-Sightings  Amidst 
Blue Skies   Ancestors   Exposures 
Interval   Ariadnes Dream  
A Question of Distance
Road Map   Horizon   Conditions of Visibility   Elements   A Play in TimeIn Passinglunar tides